August 9, 2021 •
11 Days of Action • Girls Speak Out • IDG 2021 • Townhall
Call for Submissions for IDG 2021

We Want to Hear From Girls!
As WGG plans our celebration for the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl, we are calling on girls around the world to share their advocacy work and lived experience. This year’s theme is centered on the digital divide.
Leading up to and during our annual Girls Speak Out we want to share the voices of girls. For more information on the theme and how to submit art and videos, as well as consent forms please view the following documents available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Arabic:
There’s no limitations in what you can achieve all you need to do is to set up your goals and work towards. Can’t wait for that day to come.
Yes! This is time to support young women.
We need to encourage our girls to take up Activism and leadership roles, this is because we need to open up spaces for them as they are the future leaders or Generations. We need to work in synergy with them as to celebrate this day
Girls are an outstanding group which moves the world to an active forum
That’s really great
Support the International girls day!