October 2nd: Loretto Community

Welcome to Day 2 of 11 Days of Action!
Thanks to the Loretto Community, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, the Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, the Dominican Leadership Conference and the Society of the Sacred Heart for bringing us together to #EducateGirls2020 – 2 October is the International Day of Nonviolence, and we’ll be focusing on what it takes to keep Girls safe and
get Girls quality education in the time of COVID-19.
We’ll also be welcoming two Girl Activists, Ruthie Crosby-Lizarde and Alana Florencio-Wain, who are members of Feminist Task Force (FTF) Youth! Thanks to the FTF for the collaboration and for joining us. You can check out their fine work at: https://feministtaskforce.org/
Don’t miss our Twitter Chat from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm est. Just follow @LorettoattheUN @RSCJatUN @SNDatUN @DCattheUN @femtaskforce @DLCNGOUN and these hashtags: #EducateGirls2020 #11DaysofAction #IDG2020 #EquityForGirls #BeBold
Today, we focus on keeping Girls safe and the power of educational equity because education informs, empowers and liberates!
Did you know that disruptions from COVID-19 are projected to end or seriously delay the education of 20 million secondary-school-age girls, according to the Malala Fund? Also, up to 50 percent of sexual assaults (worldwide) are committed against girls under 16? Together we can help girls recognize and advocate for their rights. (For example, rights within relationships, rights to education, rights to freedom from violence, etc.) Join our Twitter Chat to talk about what girls’ education and safety means to you!
Share a photo on Twitter or Instagram completing the phrase “A safe and educated girl……” Be sure to tag @IDG_Summit (Twitter) or @DayoftheGirlSummit (Instagram) with your post!