October 10th: JC Flowers Foundation

Welcome to Day 10 of the 11 Days of Action!
Focused on the Eradication of Poverty
Today is sponsored by Women and Girls of African Descent Caucus and our partners, JC Flowers Foundation, Circles of Support, Harlem Children’s Zone, American Ballers.
Our girls represent schools throughout the five boroughs of NYC, which at the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic were still able to articulate their vision of eradication of poverty at home and abroad. Our young leaders today not only offer solutions but are leaders themselves in their communities.
From Equity to Equality please listen to their solutions and Tweet out! Throughout the day we will be sharing their work on IDG Summit social media. We ask that you retweet, comment and share the visions that our girls have for a future without poverty. Thank you to all of the teachers who during COVID-19 made this happen!
Don’t forget to use the hashtags #IDG2020 #11DaysofAction #BeBold #EquityForGirls #ReactiveActivism #SparkChange and #StandwithGirls!
More about the Partners and Sponsors:
Women and Girls of African Descent Caucus
NGOCSW/NYC Women and Girls of African Descent Caucus, Americas and the Caribbean is a newly inaugurated Non-Governmental Organization with UN Consultative Status at UN Women. Our caucus was inaugurated at the United Nations Church Center convened on March 20, 2019 in the Church Center Chapel, 777 UN Plaza New York City, NY.
Our Caucus, Women and Girls of African Descent at the United Nations is for Women and Girls born in the Americas and the Caribbean who are of African ancestry. In forming this Caucus, we
recognize that Women and Girls of African descent are a group with extremely diverse histories, experiences, and identities. We recognize that our life conditions and the difficulties we face differ depending on geographic location, however we collectively encounter some common problems which must be resolved.
The aim of this Caucus is to provide a space at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to gather and network with organizations and groups whose focus is on the well-being of Women and Girls of African Descent and committed to organizing and developing a strategy to make our voices heard at the United Nations.
Our Caucus is in response to the report; “Women and Girls of African Descent: human rights, achievements and challenges; as published by the UN Human Rights office and the UN Department of Public Information is based on the UN Secretary General’s report on the “Implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent to the General Assembly in 2017”. The report gave the “analysis of the findings of human right mechanisms and illustrates the realities of discrimination against women and girls of African Descent”. UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore.
JC Flowers Foundation
The J.C. Flowers Foundation works with a wide range of partners to solve critical health and social problems affecting hard to reach, or “last mile,” communities. The Foundation seeks maximum impact from its investments by partnering with other funding organizations, governments, and local, grassroots organizations with expertise and presence in communities often overlooked by traditional donors.
The Foundation focuses its efforts in two distinct areas: the cross border communities of Namibia, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and Harlem, New York. The Foundation works alongside local partners and communities in the cross border areas to implement malaria elimination programs. Simultaneously, the Foundation works closely with partners in Harlem, New York to assist formerly incarcerated men and women returning home to their communities.
The J.C. Flowers Foundation practices partnership and supports locally identified solutions. We believe that the people who live in the communities have essential insight into how to solve their own problems. The J.C. Flowers Foundation believes that each partner brings something unique to the work and is essential to the delivery of high quality programs in the communities we serve.
The Foundation brings to the table financial, technical and operational support as well as access to resources and advocacy at national and international levels. The J.C. Flowers Foundation works directly through the Anne & Chris Flowers Foundation, a donor advised fund of National Philanthropic Trust.
Circles of Support
In 2010, the J.C. Flowers Foundation was asked to help pilot an innovative partnership among government, academic and faith based organizations, a project to help re-integrate recent parolees into Harlem’s vibrant community. The Foundation chose to support the project as it provided the opportunity to work in partnership with local community organizations, applying locally devised solutions, to help a :last mile” population off the radar screen of many other not for profits. The Foundation's work in Parolee Re-entry began in 2010 with the Re-Entry Faith & Family Circles of Support, and in 2014 was expanded to also support Network in the
Community, a 20 year veteran provider of parolee re-entry support services.
Circles of Support uses proven practices, family involvement and a “ministry of presence” approach. By involving the parolee’s family members and faith based volunteers we hope to foster informal social networks to support successful re-entry, a more effective means of changing behavior than the formal controls offered by law enforcement.
Parolees are selected by the Harlem Community Justice Center, a community court which seeks to solve neighborhood problems—including youth crime, landlord-tenant disputes, and the challenges faced by parolees—in East and Central Harlem. As a multi-jurisdictional civil and family court, Harlem is unique among community courts.
Each parolee is then assigned a case worker who coordinates the services provided by faith based volunteers, that are recruited and trained by the Interfaith Center of New York.
The Harlem Children’s Zone
The Harlem Children’s Zone® has always been driven by the belief that the success of our children and the strength of the community go hand in hand. Their needs are inseparable and must be addressed together in order to break the cycle of generational poverty and give our kids a real shot at the American dream.
American Ballers
American Ballers mission is to enhance the lives of youth educationally through the game of basketball. American Ballers conducts free basketball clinics and educational workshops for youth ages 13-17 around the nation. We bring in NBA and WNBA players as coaches to teach the fundamentals of basketball, while also providing students with a positive message of education and personal growth.