October 9th: JC Flowers Foundation and Circles of Support

Welcome to Day 9 of the 11 Days of Action!
Today is sponsored by JC Flowers Foundation in partnership with Harlem Children’s Zone- Promise Academy II, Decisions In Democracy International Girls, Rozaria Memorial Trust and Women and Girls of African Descent.
Learn more about the work of JC Flowers Foundation below and follow along on the IDG social media pages to hear from girls in these programs on #racialjustice and #DigitalInclusion4Girls.
JC Flowers Foundation
The J.C. Flowers Foundation works with a wide range of partners to solve critical health and social problems affecting hard to reach, or “last mile,” communities. The Foundation seeks maximum impact from its investments by partnering with other funding organizations, governments, and local, grassroots organizations with expertise and presence in communities often overlooked by traditional donors.
The Foundation focuses its efforts in two distinct areas: the cross border communities of Namibia, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and Harlem, New York. The Foundation works alongside local partners and communities in the cross border areas to implement malaria elimination programs. Simultaneously, the Foundation works closely with partners in Harlem, New York to assist men and women who have experienced incarceration and are returning home to their communities.
The J.C. Flowers Foundation practices partnership and supports locally identified solutions. We believe that the people who live in the communities have essential insight into how to solve their own problems. The J.C. Flowers Foundation believes that each partner brings something unique to the work and is essential to the delivery of high quality programs in the communities we serve.
The Foundation brings to the table financial, technical and operational support as well as access to resources and advocacy at national and international levels.
Circles of Support
Circles of Support works to support those affected by incarceration. It offers multiple programs, creating a network of returning citizens.
Raising My Voice is a leadership training program for formerly incarcerated individuals that helps participants develop public speaking skills, prepares them to serve as advocates for effective, humane reentry policies and practices, and fosters civic engagement. By sharing their stories with diverse audiences, our speakers are also expanding the Circles of Support community.
Raising My Voice-Kin is a similar training program for the loved ones and family members of people who are experiencing or have experienced incarceration.
Talk2Me is a support group for women with loved ones who have experienced incarceration.
The Circles of Support Advisory Board is made up of returning citizens who were formerly incarcerated. By raising awareness and stimulating conversation, the Advisory Board hopes to move from a place of no justice to knowing justice.