11 Days of Action

October 7th: UN Women

Photo: UN Women/Amanda Voisard

Girls’ Rights are Human Rights. They have the right to live to their fullest potential and exercise their freedoms. We need greater action from all.

Did you know the “girl child” was one of the 12 Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995? The Declaration put forth key strategic objectives to hold governments accountable for girls’ rights. In 2020, we’re commemorating 25 years since the Beijing Platform for Action set out actions to remove systemic barriers that impedes the realization of their rights. Join UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign to promote girls’ rights and accelerate gender equality .

This year’s International Day of the Girl theme is “GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable.” Join UN Women in celebrating the progress made for the world’s 1.1 billion girls and demanding positive change for their futures. It’s time to eliminate all discriminatory and harmful practices against girls, such as putting an end to Child Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, and all forms of violence against girls. We must encourage girls to stay in school and pursue their dreams, including by expanding equal access to safe, youth friendly services for their health and wellbeing.


Photo: UN Women/Gustavo Stephan

Girls contribute equally to a more peaceful and prosperous world for us all. That’s what makes us all #GenerationEquality.

Join the conversation online by engaging with UN Women on social media using these hashtags: #dayofthegirl #GenerationEquality (English); #díadelaniña #GeneraciónIgualdad (Spanish); #journéedelafille #GénérationÉgalité (French)

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