October 4th: Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd Around the World – Day 4 of the 11 Days of Action
#GenerationGirl Challenges and Overcomes Poverty and Discrimination
How do girls break the cycle of poverty and successfully transition into adulthood?
#MahilaFilm tells the stories of Dalit girls and women from communities in India. Dalit girls have suffered from the triple oppression — discrimination based on their gender, their caste and their impoverished economic class. These stories show the tools that girls use to break the cycles of poverty. Beginning with the support of their parents, girls need access to education and health services, skills training, social protection, and community support to generate societal change. Good Shepherd Sisters, who have advocated for Dalit girls’ rights in India for the past 30 years, mentor this movement, accompanying girls on their journey from oppression to leadership through education, economic justice and human rights learnings.
#MahilaFilm #GenerationGirl #IDG2018 #ToolsfortheFuture
Join our Twitter Chat on October 4th from 11AM to 12PM EST!
Watch the Film and join the movement here: