11 Days of Action

October 2nd: Racial Equality

October 2nd: Racial Equality

Today’s theme reminds us of the importance of taking an intersectional approach to advocating for #GirlsEqualityNow! We are reminded that true equality for girls globally goes hand in hand with international racial equality.

In 2020, the UN women’s rights committee called for a new era of human rights and gender justice, stressing the inclusion of racial equality. The Committee affirmed that women and girls are also victims of racism and are directly and indirectly affected by racial injustice, systemic racism, and discrimination. You can read more about this commitment here.

Girls in all of their diversity are speaking up for racial justice. They deserve to have their rights fully realized. Today we are calling for #GirlsRightsNow in the global pursuit of racial equality!

Join us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to hear from girl advocates within the WGG membership about their experiences in recovering from the pandemic!

Facebook: @DayoftheGirlSummit

Instagram: @dayofthegirlsummit

YouTube: The Working Group on Girls

#GirlsRightsNow #WGGxIDG #11DaysofAction #IDG2022 #WithGirls4Girls #HonoringGirlsAdvocacy