11 Days of Action

October 1st: Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd

Welcome to Day 1 of the 11 Days of Action!

Advocating for Justice for Girls Around the World

Girls are disproportionately at risk of violence through such abuses as early and forced marriage, intimate partner violence, female genital mutilation, ‘honour’ killings or trafficking. Good Shepherd around the world works tirelessly to address the needs of girls facing violence and right these injustices. In recent years the online sexual exploitation of girls has been increasing and with COVID-19 this act of violence has increased exponentially. COVID-19 has also forced many girls to shelter in place in homes that are not safe spaces. We have always supported girls in their journey from violence to a life of dignity and continue to monitor and respond to the increase of violence against girls during the pandemic. We also provide educational opportunities for girls at all levels enabling them to reach the fullness of their potential, hence transforming lives and societies. 

We work to end violence against girls, accompanying those who have been sexually exploited, and trafficked. We ensure girls’ legal identity, advocate for legislation that protects girls from exploitation, and provide accommodation and educational opportunities for girls who are building and rebuilding their lives. We run educational programs on girls’ empowerment and ensure that girls are in school around the globe. Within communities, we work to economically empower mothers and girl headed households so that they are able to support their daughters and sisters in their education. At the global level, we advocate for girls at the UN by drawing attention to the unique issues girls face, providing space for girls to have a seat at the table and contributing to documents and programs that support girls such as the L Platform of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Advocating to end all forms of discrimination and violence against girls takes many forms. We hope you join us during our Twitter Chat on October 1st from 11am to 12pm EST to hear more about how girls can #BeBold and take concrete steps to end all forms of violence – physical, sexual, cultural and harmful traditional practices perpetrated against them.


Join the conversation with us on social media:

Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd

Facebook: Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd – Justice Peace @GSIJP

Twitter: @GSIJP

#IDG2020 #11DaysofAction #Girls0Violence #BeBold #EqualitytoEquity #EquityforGirls