11 Days of Action

IDG+10 Honor Roll

IDG+10 Honor Roll

As a part of the 10th-anniversary celebration of the International Day of the Girl, individuals and small organizations could show their commitment to #GirlsRightsNow or honor a girl advocate through the IDG+10 Honor Roll! These donations helped fund our annual Girls Speak Out; the event would not be possible without the active participation of the Working Group on Girls members.

Honor Roll:

Sloan Emma Perez

Girl Scout Troop 5106 of St.Luke School in San Antonio, Texas

S.H.E. Collective, LLC in honor of Rory and Reva

Thank you for your contribution!

This campaign will run through the end of the year,

to get involved email wggmembership@gmail.com!

IDG+10: Minding the Girls’ Rights Gap – Active, Accountable Participants of IDG

#IDG2022 #IDGxWGG #DayoftheGirl #GirlsSpeakOut #GirlsRightsNow #HonoringGirlsAdvocacy

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