Year after year, the International Day of the Girl movement continues to grow. On October 11, 2017, we celebrated the 6th annual International Day of the Girl (IDG), and the 5th annual Girls Speak Out event at the United Nations. For 11 Days leading up to this momentus day, we celebrated, with our signature 11 Days of Action campaign, to bring our voices together and reach a unified, global outcry in support of girls’ rights on October 11th. What a huge year for girls around the world.

We need YOU to keep the conversation going!

Think about girls you know and girls around the world and how they are overcoming the unique challenges they face just because they are girls. Then think about what it’s like where you live. Do or girls like you face unfairness just because you are a girl?  How do you deal with it? How do you overcome it?

Let’s keep sharing our stories. Be confident in telling YOUR story. Your story will inspire others. Your story is like the story of millions of girls around the world who will be empowered by hearing from you. Like our Day of the Girl Summit page on Facebook, follow @DayoftheGirlSummit on Instagram, and @IDG_Summit on Twitter.

What is IDG

IDG is our day to celebrate girls everywhere – to celebrate our power, our voices, and our unique place in this world. Help us showcase the creative and collective voice of girls everywhere. The leaders of today need to hear from you. Let’s inspire everyone with our stories of girl power — in art, pictures, poetry, songs, video — to showcase the unique role girls play in our world. No girl is alone. And we are stronger when we raise our voices together. That’s why we need your voice!